Regulations, procedures and codes of conduct
Omogolo Wildlife Trust wants to realize its objectives in an honest and transparent way. That is why our organization works with policies, guidelines and codes of conduct, which we have included on our website for the purpose of openness. These policies and guidelines are deducted from our own internal regulations, general law, regulations within the charity sector, as well as agreements between the Trust and the projects we support.
Internal regulations
Omogolo Wildlife Trust has a number of important regulations and documents, which are included as PDF documents below:
Privacy Policy and Disclaimer
Code of conduct for members of Omogolo Wildlife Trust
Salary and Benefit Guidelines
The board of the foundation is the highest body within the organization and does not receive any remuneration for its activities.
The Board has also committed itself to pay for all costs for administration, banking and other overhead costs. 100% of donations received from our donors is sent to the projects that are supported by Omogolo Wildlife Trust.
Rules from the charity sector
In achieving our objectives and performing our work, we observe the following rules and codes:
Code of Good Governance of Cooperating Branch Organizations Philanthropy (SBF - Samenwerkende Brancheorganisaties Filantropie)
Code of Conduct of the Fundraising Institute (IF - Instituut Fondsenwerving)
Guideline Financial Management for Charities (GDN - Goede Doelen Nederland)
Code of Conduct of Charities in the Netherlands (GDN - Goede Doelen Nederland)
Standards and rules that are included in the recognition scheme of the CBF (Centraal Bureau Fondsenwerving)
For any complaints about our service, communication or activities, we have set up a complaints procedure, which is accessible below:
Voorschoten, May 2021
On behalf of The Board